

السلام عليكم – Peace be upon you!

By the grace of Allah and in view of government announcements we are pleased to announce the re-opening of the masjid for public. Alhamdulillah this excellent news comes in the last ashra of Ramadan and just before Eid. However, this opening needs to be in strict compliance with the social distancing measures announced by the Alberta government:

  1. Total number of staff and participants to remain below 50 people at all times. Attendance for congregation and other services will be on first-come-first-serve basis. Front door will be locked as soon as masjid reaches capacity of 50 people. Please refer to point 6 and 7 below regarding Jumma and Eid


  1. To comply social distancing and cleaning requirements, at this time we can only open the main prayer hall of the masjid for prayers and congregations.
    • All classes, halaqas and other social gathering remain suspended;
    • Masjid to remain closed outside salah Doors to open 15 minutes prior to each salah.
    • Washrooms remain closed;
    • No access to second floor, including women’s prayer room;
    • Children under 12 are not allowed in the masjid;
    • Elderly and people with medical issues are encouraged to stay home;
    • Additional cleaning and sanitizing arrangements have been made inside the masjid.


  1. You’re encouraged to pray at home. You may join the daily online Ramadan halaqa with the imam through Zoom meeting as previously communicated.


  1. Staff, visitors and congregation should use the Alberta Government self-assessment tool before attending:


  1. Follow all social restriction guidelines by the Alberta government and the signage and warnings posted inside the masjid, including but not limited to the following:
    • Do not come to the masjid if you have a fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, or shortness of breath or if you are a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19.
    • Keep at least 2 meters (6 feet) distance between you and others at all times. This means leaving two vacant spaces between you and the next person and leaving a line vacant after each line during
    • Bring you own prayer mat and avoid touching surfaces. Please do not use Quran mushaf available in the masjid – please bring your own if you’d like to read.
    • Do not shake hands, hug or have conversations with others in close proximity. Limit your time in the masjid and leave as soon as the prayer is finished.
    • Practice all social and physical distancing recommendations – please refer to


  1. JUMMA PRAYERS: There will be two jumma prayers at 1:45 pm and 2:30 pm each Friday. Access will be restricted as soon as we reach 45 people. Doors will be closed when we reach 50 people capacity.


  1. EID PRAYERS: There will be two Eid prayers at 9:00 am and 10:00 am. Access will be restricted as soon as we reach 45 people. Doors will be closed when we reach 50 people capacity. Eid prayer may also be completed in your homes. Please contact the Imam for the rules and fatwa.


Alhamdulillah we are all happy to be back in the masjid. Let’s keep ourselves and each other safe by practicing social distancing measures. Please feel free to reach out to the Majid Committee or the Imam if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you,


Masjid Executive Committee